St. David Armenian Church Membership


The Pastor and Parish Council encourage you to become a dues-paid member.  Why?  BECAUSE YOU ARE IMPORTANT!  God has blessed you with many gifts and talents which you can share with His people to do the ministry of the Church in this world.  There are so many areas where your good works can glorify God and your involvement is welcomed: Parish Council, Women’s Guild, Sunday School, Bible Study, Choir, Annual Food Festival, Serving on the Altar, Armenian Language Study, and more.  

As a dues-paid member, you will be eligible to run for the Parish Council and help the Church achieve some of her goals.  Also, with the voting privilege at the Annual Parish Assembly, a dues-paid member has the opportunity to make a positive change in our Church community.

You are encouraged to make your contributions as early as possible, and for your convenience, we will accept periodic payments throughout the year!  If you would like to receive our weekly e-newsletter to keep up-to-date with all the latest activities in our Church, please fill in your e-mail address on the membership form.  To fulfill your membership pledge, please return the form to the Church office along with your payment either in full or installments.

As a token of our appreciation, each new member will receive a silver Armenian Cross necklace.